Busy jar.

"How are you doing?
Oh good, just really busy..."
—says everyone, every day.
Even thinking that we're too busy adds measurably to our stress levels- creating a negative cycle of feeling busy > reaction > feeling busy > reaction... So much so that if we see someone relaxing or enjoying their free time we feel resentful that they have such the life, how lucky for them, it must be nice, when in reality we are the ones in charge of our perspective. We're in control of how we view the world, what color glasses we'd like to perceive our environment in. 

I'm guilty of this, too. I realized the past few months have been "really busy"... but upon closer inspection I see that all the busy-ness has been MY choice. Things I've taken on, projects, tasks and deadlines that I could have turned down. And so, I'd like to make a commitment to my mental health, I'd like to work on the mind over matter perspective by increasing my awareness around the word busy.


I'm going to make a BUSY JAR. Every time I catch myself saying I'm busy, THINKING I'm too busy, I'm going to put money in the jar. I've even talked it over with my husband and we're going to tackle this challenge together. What do you think? Could you do with a little more awareness around your use of the word "busy"....? How much money would you save? Let me know if it's something you decide to try!

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