Whole30- Day 00. The WHY.

There are a lot of reasons to start a yoga practice- in some cases, a person is lead to yoga as a way to find comfort in the body, to aid and treat areas of pain and inflammation. Discovering movements that help alleviate physical stress is just one small way a yoga practice is a great step towards whole-body health.

I started practicing yoga in 2004 as a way to quiet my mind and steer away from competition- as an NCAA Division 1 Women's Rower throughout university- a team of 60+ athletic women led to a HIGHLY competitive environment. The effect of rowing starboard (oar on the right of the boat) everyday for 5+ years, in addition to scoliosis (in two places) has contributed to a daily discomfort along the left side of my back, down along my hips and sometimes all the way down my shin. I use yoga to treat my body and it is an amazing way to stretch, quiet, and destress. Yoga has helped me build balanced muscles and increase awareness of my posture, how I walk, and develop an overall kinder attitude towards my body.

Fast forward to today... I want to try a more aggressive approach to combat my inflammation. I want to treat my body with healthy food, I want to be able to move in ways that feel good. Some research shows that diet can help reduce the causes of inflammation in the body. I'm at the point where I trust that my yoga and meditation practice have been essential to getting my this far in my physical-mental comfort journey, I believe there are certain foods in my diet that make ME feel tight, sore and in pain.

Today is Day 00 of my plan to stick to the Whole30 diet. Why am I writing this? I believe that my story is not unusual or special- I know there are a lot of people that start a yoga practice to help with scoliosis, sore joints and inflammation. If I find can find relief through a combination of yoga, meditation and Whole30, all the while sharing my experience, then maybe those with discomfort will feel a little more empowered to make small changes in their life, too.

Also- I think this will be a challenge! Writing through this experience will help it feel BIGGER than just my sore muscles, but potentially helpful for others.

Thanks for the support!
xoxo Meg

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