Free Wellness Consultations!

What are your wellness goals?

Let yoga help.
Here at YogaY O G I, we want to encourage a community of wellness, awareness and joyful living that becomes a force and entity of it's own, recognizable within the students, our voice and our studio.

I want to create a deeper connection with my students, through yoga and healthy living on and off the mat. I want to know more about YOU, your reasons for practicing yoga and what I can do to help you reach your wellness goals.

I'd like to offer each YogaY O G I student* an opportunity to meet with me to ask questions, review wellness goals and make a plan on how to take the lessons of yoga further on and off the mat. I'll be available throughout the month of January + February and encourage each of you to make an appointment- for yourself, your body and your well being. 

*Past, present and future students– so, YES... that means you!

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