BROga in Gwangju

Yoga for men, read full article here.
Think yoga is only for the ladies? Absolutely not!
Lately we've been receiving more and more feedback to have a mens focused yoga class at the YogaY O G I studio. I get it. There is a huge media representation of WHO can do yoga, and what that person should look like. My goodness are the covers of the Yoga Journal magazine gumby-esque, intimidating... and all women. Yoga is more than your body type, size or gender. Yoga is a tool for reducing stress and strengthening your muscles. And here's the best part... it's for you RIGHT NOW, as you are, in this moment in your life.

If not now, then when?

We've created an environment at the YogaY O G I studio thats very foundation is rooted in being welcoming, judgement free and safe. These are values that we instill in ALL of our yoga classes, yet I can understand how jumping in a class where everyone has been practicing yoga for weeks, months or years can be off putting. If you'd like to get in on a NEW yoga class at the studio, focused around men only*- then please fill out our YogaY O G I health form now to vote towards the new schedule.

So, come as you are. Fill out our YogaY O G I health form and move towards your wellness goals.

*We're creating a yoga class geared for guys, but open to all. Although women are welcome in class, it's designed with a man in mind.

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