Backbending Workshop Success

Spine Illustration source
Coming down from the heart opening Intro to Backbending workshop and feeling so great! We started off the class with happy mugs of camomile tea while talking about the anatomy and movements of the spine.

Anatomy of the spine consists of:
  1. Cervical spine {the neck area}
  2. Thoracic region {collarbones (clavicle) and extends all the way down to the waist}
  3. Lumbar region {bottom of the rib cage and extends into the pelvis}. The lumbar spine (lower back) is relatively more mobile than the thoracic spine (upper back). It’s also naturally concave. These qualities make it easier to move the lower back into spinal extension (backbend) than the upper back. As a result, we often overarch the lower back in backbends, while the upper back remains stiff.*
  4. Sacrum {each side to the pelvis and sits deep to the pelvic basin}
  5. Coccyx {At the bottom of the sacrum}
Major movements of the spine {pertaining to yoga}- flexing, extending, bending side to side, rotating and lengthening.
  1. Yoga poses that focus on flexion in the spine- Cat pose, Standing Forward Bend and Child's pose. 
  2. Yoga works extension with backbend postures such as Cobra, Bridge, Camel and Wheel.
  3. Side Angel, Half Moon and Triangle are a few of the poses that work side to side spinal movements. 
  4. Side twists and Revolved Triangle are examples of spinal rotation.
  5. Downward-Facing Dog is an inversion pose in which the spine is in axial extension/lengthening.
We also talked a lot about respecting the limits in our body, to honor any resistance we may meet physically and mentally. Backbending poses leave us feeling very vulnerable and if practiced in haste, we are not only at risk of injury, but not fully experiencing the benefits of an open heart center. Valuing your physical limitations and playing with your ever increasing boundaries are two ways in which we can experience the exhilaration and total support of backbending. 

If you'd like to practice your backbending in a safe and joyful way, contact me about setting up a 1-1 class in the YogaY O G I studio. You have sequences, adjustments and answers specific to you. Being able to work 1-1 with a teacher will be a game changer and can transform your personal practice.

Source 1, source 2, source 3

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